Tag Archives: Testing

Kail Linux 2.0 – It’s Hear

So Kail Linux 2.0 is finally here, pen tester rejoice and don’t forget the script kiddies. One thing that anyone has used Kail for a long time and even going back to the day when it was called BackTrack Linux is its use of Gnome 2 for BackTrack then Gnome 2 Fail Back in Kail. It seems that Kail has gone for a full Gnome 3 expenses with some tweaks. The tweak that everyone will notes is the new menu, as you can see in the image below.

Screenshot from 2015-08-16 20:00:27

It took a little while to re-learn where all the tools where but once I got uses to the menu, I loved it.

So apart from the tweaks, its the Kail Linux we know and love. But with a updated GUI.

So if you find your self needing a good environment to pen-test in or a good computer forensics environment, I can’t recommend Kail Linux 2.0 enough

Final thoughts just because you can install Kail Linux, it doesn’t make you an automatic hacker. With tools like Kail comes great responsibility.